I have 4 tabbar icons on my phone display on portrait mode, the last one not fully displayed. When I rotate the phone to landscape, all 4 tabbar icons show properly. When I rotate back to portrait, the screen does not return to the original portrait state. The 4 tabbar icons are all showing, but the screen size is reduced and looks terrible.
Here is what I discovered. The webix.ui.fullScreen() is the problem. That causes the phone browser to not render properly when rotating back to portrait from landscape.
The docs say that fullScreen() “hides Safari address bar on iPhone/iPod”
but in fact it does not do that. Is this deprecated?
The docs say that fullScreen() “hides Safari address bar on iPhone/iPod”
We will correct docs. fullScreen() applies meta tags and does not hide address bar (the latest versions of iOS does not allow to hide address bar via JavaScript). We will fix the rotate problem in the next version.