Popup window resize

I have a requirement .onclick event one popup is open in that popup there is some field .on click of any filed can i make my popup to bigger. Please give some sample for suggestion.

You can handle the click event of an element in the following way:

//get window object for any element in its body
var win = this.getTopParentView(); 

//define new dimensions
win.define("width", 500); 
win.define("height", 500);

//apply new dimensions

If elements in the window feature fixed sizing, remember to add an empty view {} below to ensure that something will take the needed height. (As it is in the snippet).


I put the code-snippet in my controller ,onChange event but i got the getTopParentView() exception.can you give some suggestion how i control my popup window in my controller.

The aim of a getTopParentView() method is to get to the window object. What does it return for you?

Anyway, you can also work with a window using its ID.

    view:"window", id:"mywin", etc..

and then

var win = $$("mywin");
win.define("width", 500); 
win.define("height", 500);