Hello, I recently found a problem when disabling a component.
sometimes, the style of the component does not change when re-enable it.
It is a conditional combo, selecting a value must enable a text component.
Is there any way to fix this?
I tested the snippet and it works fine on my end.
In my end too!, but if i select first 4 then 3 then 1 and last 2
the label of Optional stil gray.
I dont know why in my real app, always still gray
I have a solution, but I guess it is not the right one.
I think I know what the problem is, every time is called form.clear or is selected another option, is being added automatically a ‘webix_disabled_top_label’ class
We will solve the issue in the next version.
With the existent version please use $$(‘optionalTxt’).config.disabled check before disable() method call: