Problem getting UI feedback on form validation


I’m having a problem getting UI feedback when validating form elements. By “UI feedback”, I mean the red highlight on the form item that indicates validation failed. I’m using custom validation rules, simplified for the example:

The validation method seems to be working OK, according to the console debug, but there’s no feedback. Any hint?


Yep, the form based validation works correctly and sets marker, but field level validation ( required flag ) is good - so marker deleted.

I will provide the updated build tomorrow. Will fix this issue and problem with which affects isDirty state.

Excellent, thanks for the help.

Please try to use the updated build, all fixes will be included in Webix 1.7 as well

Hi Maksim,

Thanks, but some files inside the zip fail CRC check. I’ve downloaded twice and tried both 7zip and WinRar.

I was still able to extract webix.js/.css and webix_debug.js, I guess that should be enough?

Sorry, please try the updated one