PropertyView Type "select"

In the PropertyView Element the type “select” does not support Key/Value pairs, i.E. like

[ { id:1, value:“number one” }, { id:2, value:“number two” } ]

thats a pitty… when i use type “richselect” it works for select, but it displays the id :(((

any (simple) solution for that?


I think we will fix it in the next build, to make experience more consistent across all components.

:slight_smile: great!

->guess its same issue: richselect in datatable ( data table = properysheet) ?

→ and also : “grid suggest” → thats really cool, but not working in data table/propertysheet.

for grid suggest in data table i helped me with a workaround, using a popup window including the data table to select from and then assigning the value to data table field.
i was not able to code an own “editor” for that (to use it in general), cause i didn’t understood the editor concept clearly and documentation is “thin” on that chapter…

Yep, documentation lack info about advanced customization - will be added.
For grid suggest in datatable - you can check

Samples does not match my issue. There we have DataTable in a richselect.
But this does not work at this time for use as editor in a DataTable!

It mostly works as editor in datatable as well

Just one more event handler need to be added to repaint the master datatable after selection

Thanks, there were some missing configs.

Is the collection-parameter something special - Never used that, worked with “data” or “options” tag - never found “collection” tag in Docu.

Do you think there is a way to bring it work on PropertyView as well?

As to the property view, it will be updated in the next version and id-value pairs in select editors will be possible.
The same is true for grid suggest editor.

Nothing special in ‘collection’ attribute, it is ‘options’ alias.

Thank you!
…guesses about when to expect next version?

Most probably, Webix 1.9 will be released till the end of this week.

In that sample maksim gave ( ) you have to do an extra-click somewhere after selection, to let the selected value be visible.

Guess this is a bug too - Will this be fixed in next version?

Here are two more problems shown: if an id is not in the list and if id is zero.

“you have to do an extra-click somewhere after selection” - yes, it’s a bug and will be fixed in the next version.

When ID not in the option list, or when ID is zero the data will still be editable but with no initial value. So try to avoid data items with zero ID.

Fine. Thank you.

Please recognize: Actually if an ID is not in the option list an ERROR is shown.

Yes, that’s fixed. You’ll be warned about an inappropriate ID by a message box in debug version, but nothing in production.

“you have to do an extra-click somewhere after selection” - yes, it’s a bug and will be fixed in the next version.

sorry, but its NOT fixed in Webix1.9 …

Hi Chris,

Sorry for the inconvenience, the code for extra components was not updated online.
Look how it works in the documentation samples:

You can take the updated version of gridsuggest from github GitHub - webix-hub/components: Third party integrations for the Webix UI .
Or it will be available by a link ( ) but it takes some time there to update the code.