Technically, only elements that have values can be represented as an activeContent. The layout doesn’t have any value, so you can only visualize it.
I can only suggest that the ui.proto object (based on the layout) that will have some value and corresponding methods (setValue, getValue) will work as you need.
In practice, it is not a very good idea to use layouts as active elements. It is much better to use these elements separately:
It is vital to know that each ActiveContent item displays the corresponding data item. While rendering is performed within the template of active component (here:List).
I add dynamically new protoUI, add them dynamically in activeContent List (via common.masterUI._settings.activeContent[newAC]), binding them (via common[ newAc ] = common.masterUI._bind_active_content( newAC ) and later refresh common.masterUI.
I hope to do a snipplet in few days.
It is probably a bad solution but I don’t have many lines to process.