Questions to Clipboard Selection with DataTable

  1. Is there an Event to manipulate the copied date before they are saved in clipobard?

  2. Is there a way to copy the header + the Row Selection?

  3. If a Date is copied, than the Result looks like this: Mon Oct 19 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit) but this should looks like the configurated Dateformat ("%d.%m.%Y",) so19.10.2015


Due to security reasons, there is no way to interact with “copy to clipboard” through API. Instead of using clipboard:true, you can attach your own onItemClick or onAfterSelect handler, from which you can call


Where text is the content which you want to copy to clipboard. This does not set text in the the real clipboard, it just prepares the provided content, so on press of Ctrl-C, it will be copied to the clipboard


Clipboard operations work with raw data of a cell. If you provide value of cell as string, the string will be copied.