Rearrange Kanban columns and customize headers?


I am working on setting up a kanban app, and would like to:

1: have the ability to rearrange the columns via drag and drop
2: customize the header by adding icons with fireable events.

I couldn’t find anything in the documentation, and was wondering if Webix supports these features?



Unfortunately, it’s not possible to drag-n-drop columns in Kanban.

On the positive side, headers can be customized. To add an icon and atach a click handler to it, please use the following code:

{ header:"Backlog <span class ='webix_icon fa-cog'></span>",
	body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"new" },
			webix.message("config icon");
		        return false;

The onClick object contains an hash where keys are CSS classes of the needed HTML elements and values are the handlers.

Returning false within the handler is necessary to prevent from the default click behaviour, which is collapsing/expanding in this case.