regarding default sorting of intergers in datatable

i want to sort integers in descending order by default in datatable.can anyone tell me how to do default sorting of a column so that it will sort the columns on load.

To enable user sorting, add a sort parameter to a column configuration and specify the sorting mode:

   {id:"year", sort:"int"}

To sort the datatable programmatically (e.g. on load) call the sort(column, dir, mode) method in the ready handler.

Check the snippet, please:

And you may also study the docs:

many many thanks…really it works.

doesn.t work anymore

Hello @mfocuz,
Could you please provide a demo that represents the issue? As far as I can see, the sorting works smoothly.

I have datatable, data is loaded from server, after this I try to sort it, it doesn’t work. For me it works after I click on table header. So I perform sorting on server side as workaround, its ok.

So I want data to be sorted on load.

onAfterLoad event is fired on data load: