Related to change Language

i created ui(user Interface) by help of webix functionality and converted into some different language (like from English to french). it is working fine but for Chinese it is not displaying properly. (in internet explorer url like if I write
Edit in french - editer, Edit in Portuguese -Editar , but in case of Chinese
if I write Edit it is displaying 5(square Bracket)) , i am using
webix.js version 2.2.10
so how to resolve this issues .

Problem can be caused by incorrect encoding or some incorrect font handling.

Please check the next snippet, it works with chinese

Flat and compact skins are using PT Sans font that doesn’t contain Chinese characters. Normally, when character is missed in the font browser will fallback to other font, but browser may behave differently in your case.

You cat try to edit webix.css and replace all occurences of ‘PT Sans’ with your font of choice.

Thanks maksim