Remove cell style after edit stop


How can I remove cellStyle on onAfterEditStop ?

this code snippet seem not working

Thanks for help.


Your approach, we mean use removeCellCss and addCellCss was correct
example: Code Snippet

Hi @AlenaLisava,
Thanks for your answer

Actually null cell style from server, if possible I just use $cellCss to handle this
or should I loop again on ready method ?

Hello, @finzaiko

The thing is that removeCellCss will only work for those classes that were added via addCellCss.
When using $cellCss , the class is data bound. That is, after the refresh, this class will be restored. Therefore, we need to remove this property from the item, for example: Code Snippet
I draw your attention to the fact that the Documentation states:
We don’t recommend to dynamically change attributes with the ‘$’ prefix (e.g. $css, $cellCss). Please, use the addCellCss, addRowCss methods instead.

Great Thanks @AlenaLisava