I am new to Webix. I figured out how to create a Tabview object and I can return user-entered values on current tab by using document.getElementById(‘id’).value. I realize their is probably a better way and I need to be able to determine values on all tabs.
You can place tabview inside of the form, and after that you will be able to use form.getValues() to get all data from all inputs on all tabs ( be sure to add “name” attribute to all inputs )
Thank you for your help. The code sample you pointed me to helped me, specifically:
var data=$$(“myForm”).getValues()
My particular need is with “select” options. I’m looking at the source code of http://docs.webix.com/samples/13_form/01_controls/02_select.html to figure it out.
I got the tabview object to work. When I display it in a blank web page, $$(“myForm”) returns values. When I embed the object in a NetSuite form, it seems to function properly but $$(“myForm”) returns “undefined”. Any thoughts?
Try to use webix.$$ instead of $$
It is possible that you have some other lib on the page, which has redefined $$ handler.
It works, thanks