richselect in property, dynamic change items and attachevent

how can I dynamic change items in “options”, now I can just use an empty “options”

  view: "property",
  id: "mon_prop",
  width: 300,
  nameWidth: 100,
  elements: [
      label: "List", type: "richselect", id: "list_sel", options: [],
      on: {
        onChange: function (newv, oldv) {
var lst =["aa","bb"]
$$("mon_prop").getItem("list_sel").options = lst;

And how to get the event of the “richselect”, below shows “list_sel” has no attachEvent function

$$("mon_prop").getItem("list_sel").attachEvent("onChange", function (newv, oldv) {

As for optYou can’t subscribe to events of editors as those elements are created dynamically and do not exist when you are creating property view ( it is possible technically, but requires a complex code )

Instead, you can use onAfteEditStop event of property view, it will fire when any value was changed by user