If I use the selectFilter header content, it will add a filter with all the options available in the datatable and a ‘blank’ option to filter none (show all).
But if I use richSelectFilter, once I selected one option to filter, there’s no way to clear the filter anymore.
Is this the expected behavior? Is there a way I can achieve that without specifying the options manually? (The data is dynamic, so I can’t know which values will be available).
Snippet showing the different behaviours: http://webix.com/snippet/b4d44cef
To clear a richselect filter, you need to set an empty value to it manually.
Here’s a sample for all filters:
You said in your answer that would be possible adding a value, but the example shows a button that clears the selection. Is that it, or there was a little confusion there?
Another thing is, I would expect to richSelectFilter have the same behavior selectFilter does (only rich select is a better looking component). Why does richSelectFilter option does not adds a ‘blank’ value by default?
All other filters have a way to be cleared (textFilter, dateFilter, numberFilter) and so on.
that would be possible adding a value
For now, that’s it. Sorry if I was not clear, but I meant filter.setValue("")
as the way to reset the filter.
By the way, we’re going to improve this behavior in one of the nearest updates.