Are there any plans to expand the # of components whose state can be saved via DataState Module or some other method?
So far I love Webix. If I have any disappointment it is the fact that at first glance I was thinking that state saving was taken care of, but now I see that it is only partially addressed.
Now I am faced with deciding do I abandon the Webix save state functionality en mass as I am going to have to build a system to store the state of other components.
state of datatable ( columns, filters, sort order, selection )
Currently we don’t have plans to extend it, to save the full state of the app ( selections, form values, active elements in different views, etc. )
The above functionality was designed to simplify per user UI customization ( settings for the current user can be saved and restored during a next visit ). And for such a task, we need not save the full state of an app
Thanks. In my case I am using Webix to create a game UI so I do have need to save the full state. That being said, I was just reading the article you just published on nested data which reminded me of your check box and radio button article within datatables.
I might be able to leverage something like that. Maybe the Treetable.
Does the current state of tree or datatable save nested check boxes or radio buttons?
In any case, thanks for your previous reply as now I know how to move forward.
Does the current state of tree or datatable save nested check boxes or radio buttons?
Unfortunately, it doesn’t do it by default.
You can use grid.serialize() to get the JSON with all values for all cells in datatable, that value can be saved and later restored with grid.parse()
Actually all components has an API to get their current values ( serialize, getValues, getValue, etc ) and the sibling API to set values. So you can save state and restore it later. Combined with webix.ui.each to iterate through all views, it can be used to get state of all controls in the active UI.