Screen resolution and zooming

I have finished programming for one part of the site and I would like to release it. I run some check lists to see if there is anything that can cause problems. My main issue is screen resolution and I would like to ask if there is somebody with same problem and it there is solution to it.

Here is one screen with resolution: 1600:900. I am happy with it and I would like to show that to users:

But users connects computers to beamers during presentation which means resolution 1024:600 or even 800:600 can be used. That destroys whole view:

The problem is that everything becomes bigger. Not only that user can not see all components, fonts are pixelized, headers remains same proportional size which takes more space on the screen. I am just wondering if there is a way to overlap this with webix itselft or do I need to search for javascript solution.

I was thinking to make few skins and to call them based on screen resolution. Skins that are adapted to different resolutions…

You can use skin-builder

to create a custom skin with new font size.

I’m not sure that this is a good strategy though, as readability of text will decrease after setting very small font size. ( the real image may be big, but the number of pixels per character can be too low and font will look bad )