set body content of popup widget with external file


Is there a way to set the content of the popup with an external file?
It seems the only way to set content is:
body:{template:“html code” }

The problem is that the html code I want to include is quite complex and big and it would get messy!
It would be nice if we can set it it like that:
body:{ templateurl:"/content.jsp" }

Is there a way to do that ??

You can do something similar

body:{ template:“http->/Content.jsp” }

Thanks for quick answer!

Sorry just have another question.
I’m basically trying to display, in a popup, all the details of an object, after clicking on a datatable row.

So, I managed to set the content from a html page, but now I would like to populate the selected object in the popup.
It seems the popup is like isolated from the rest of the app, though, the declaration of the webix window is wrapped in my controller.
So basically the template of my popup looks like this:

Username: {{selectedUser.username}}
Email: {{}}

selectedUser is in the scope of my controller.
When I open the popup, selectedUser is not evaluated.
I guess it’s not the right way to do it?!

You need to have selectedUser in global scope ( which is probably not a good solution ) or use something like next in template

Username:	 {{obj.username}}
Email:	{{}}

and when row selected you will have something like

$$("template").data = $$("grid").getItem(selected_row);

obj in template placeholder is always mapped to