I can’t find in docs and I don’t understand current logic of - when I have several activecontent elements in one view.
See my sample http://webix.com/snippet/341d85ea
I have defined several datatable+activecontent and I thought it will be “separated”, but when I use same name in activecontent object it calls the function defined last.
And I don’t understand why last datatable isn’t working at all if set to view:“activeTableX” and not view:“datatable”
I can confirm the issue, thanks for reporting. It will be fixed in the next version.
But for the future, you can use one protoUI object for the multiple views:
webix.protoUI({name:'activeTable'}, webix.ui.datatable, webix.ActiveContent);
view:"activeTable", id:"dt1",
/* config */
view:"activeTable", id:"dt2",
/* config */
// etc.
Yes, I thought I can use one protoUI, see modified sample http://webix.com/snippet/25e4da3b
This gives me even more confusion, I wanted several datatables with buttons, last one should have different button. It turns out (in this sample) that ActiveContent seciton is read only from datatable №4 (of five tables), all others are not “used”. What does that means, same bug, another bug, did I forgot some important config?
It’s the same bug. protoUI just enables this feature, the activeContent could be different for datatables.