show multiple batches

Hello Webix-Team,

is it possible to show multiple batches of a toolbar.
Something like $$(‘toolbar’).showBatch(‘Batch1, Batch2’);

BR, Peter

Yep, this feature was added in our latest update (3.2). Check the snippet:

/*show second batch, without hiding the previous one */
$$("mybar").showBatch("b2", true);	

As you can see, you can use the second parameter of showBatch to specify, is previously visible batch need to be hidden, or not.

Hi Listopad,

that’s perfect! Thanks a lot!
BR, Peter

Hi, there seems to be an issue with this functionality.

I have updated your sample:

According to my understanding, only batch “b0” should be shown, right?

Basically I would like to do a reset.

Thanks, Peter

Yep, thanks for reporting the issue, we’ll fix this in the nearest update.