I have the following form (generated server side) with two tabs.
Checking the documentation, mu showBatch function should work but it doesn’t. I don’t see what I am doing wrong.
This is the form
"paddingY": 25,
"elements": [
"tabbar": { "options":[{"id": "b1", "value":"Omschrijving"},{"id":"b2","value":"Basisinformatie"}]}, "animate":false,
{ "batch":"b1", "id":"b1", "margin": 20, "paddingY": 25, "paddingX":25,"height":280, "rows":[
{ "view":"text", "name":"id", "label":"id", "width": 300, "hidden":true },
{ "view":"text", "name":"_token", "label":"_token", "value":"{!! $_token !!}", "hidden":true },
{ "view":"text", "name":"accid", "label":"accid", "width": 300, "hidden":true },
{ "view":"text", "name":"name", "label":"Naam", "width": 600 , "labelWidth":200 },
{ "view":"textarea", "name":"descr", "label":"Omschrijving", "width": 600, "height":150 , "labelWidth":200 , "invalidMessage": "Login can not be empty" }
{ "batch":"b2", "id":"b2","margin": 20, "paddingY": 25, "paddingX":25,"height":280, "rows":[
{ "view":"text", "name":"startyear", "label":"Startjaar", "width": 400 , "labelWidth":200 },
{ "view":"text", "name":"vatbasic", "label":"Gemiddeld BTW percentage", "width": 400, "labelWidth":200 },
{ "view":"select", "name":"vatperiod", "label":"BTW aangifteperiode" , "width":400, "labelWidth":200, "options":[
{"id":3,"value":"Kwartaal" },
{"id":12,"value":"Jaar" }
{"id": "formToolbar", "margin":0, "view":"toolbar", "cols":[
{"view":"button", "id":"savebutton", "value":"Bewaren" , "type":"form" , "width": 100, "align":"right", "click":"formSave"},
{"view":"button", "id":"selectbutton", "value":"Selecteren" , "type":"form" , "width": 100, "align":"right", "click":"formSelect"},
{"view":"button", "id":"deletebutton", "value":"Verwijderen" , "type":"form" , "width": 100, "align":"right", "click":"formDelete"},
{"view":"button", "id":"closebutton","value":"Annuleren" , "width": 100, "align":"right", "click":"formClose"}
And this is my function:
Maybe I am referencing the wrong id? I have tried also referencing the ID of the form “InputForm” but does not work either.