Hi there. Is there an example of how to add a component (say, button or slider) within a sidebar item?
Sidebar is preferred, but would consider Sidemenu as well if it works there.
Hi there. Is there an example of how to add a component (say, button or slider) within a sidebar item?
Sidebar is preferred, but would consider Sidemenu as well if it works there.
Can you clarify a bit?
If you need some input/view above or under sidebar, you can just add a row with the necessary element.
But if you want to define some active zones (buttons, checkboxes, etc.) within the menu items, it’s better to use the sidemenu that will contain a list with html-inputs or an ActiveContent:
Thanks. I would like an active zone within the menu items. Could you show me an ActiveContent example within your snippet?
What I would like to get to is, in the sidebar, “Dashboard 2” is a toggle button, and if toggled on, a checkbox appears to the right of it.
The sidebar is the preferred layout, and the ActiveContent approach would be best so that existing Webix controls can be used.
The Sidebar is not so customizable. As for the Sidemenu, you can set the needed behavior through the template:
Thanks very much