Snippets on mobile

I notice that on mobile devices (iOS - phone and tablet) there is no ability to zoom, nor interact with (scroll or type) in the JS Code or HTML Code sections. Is this by design for some reason? Thanks

Try to use webix.Touch.limit(); after the webix.ui() initialization.

For the components that have a scroll (data components, scrollview, etc.) it will preserve Webix touch handlers and the double tap zoom, while the other components will work with the native touch handlers.

If this won’t solve the issue, please share the snippet that shows the problem and specify the device model and iOS/browser version.

in the JS Code or HTML Code sections. Is this by design for some reason

The right part of snippet editor is an iframe, and there are many limitations to the iframes on mobile devices.

There is a small trick, though. You can press the share button, which will provide you link like

now you can change it like next

and open on the mobile device. The link with “/m/” added, will be a plain page, without iframes, so it must behave better on mobile devices.

Thanks, I should have been more clear. It was more a general comment on the ability to review snippet code when on mobile.

The component rendering window works well enough, given iframe limitations.

The real issue is the JS Code window, which does not allow scrolling or the ability to type.

For example if I look at this one (a recent one from the forum which I randomly grabbed): Code Snippet

On desktop of course I can see all the code, make changes to some code and see the effect, etc.

On iPad, the code cuts off on the bottom (after height:30,) and on the right (after “The Shawshank Redemption”,) with no ability to scroll. And the code cannot be added to or typed over to make changes.

Any further comment on this? The same issues I described above are there. The real problem is the inability to scroll or type in any of the windows when on mobile. Thanks