i have a multiseries bar Chart.
Everything works ok.
But as i start to add more series(dynamically via API) to Chart, the chart seems to look strange.
Here is the picture: http://imgur.com/YJVrYn0
For example in the first chart i added 4 series and it looks OK.
But then when i contunued to add series (13 in chart 2) the bars are really small
in width. I tried to change their widht with “barWidth: 40” but this does not seem to work.
first of all thank you for all of the examples. It really helps me to understand the charts a little bit more.
As of my snippet example, it was a little misledaing. In reality i truly want eight series. Each serie its own bar. I did this so i can add/remove the bars dynamically by adding/removing series.
Bellow is the improved example. As you can see the bars are really thin.
Visually it looks like the bar widths are calculated based on “series” counts and not on “bar” counts.