suggest with proxy

I’m having troubles making suggest work properly with custom proxy (the data comes with jsonp call and needs to be processed, hence the need in custom proxy. Also note, I had to modify webix sources to make jsonp work with not built-in ‘jsonp’ callback but with ‘callback’ callback)

webix.proxy.myCustomProxy = {
	load:function(view, callback, arg){
		if (!arg || !arg.filter || !arg.filter.value) return true;
		webix.jsonp('' + arg.filter.value + '?num_results=50', {}, function (data) {
			var outArr = [];
			if (!data || !data.sections || !data.sections.Products) return true;
			for(var i in data.sections.Products){
				outArr.push({id:data.sections.Products[i].data.my_id, value:data.sections.Products[i].value});

the only way I could make it work in suggest is by using
{view: “text”, suggest: “myCustomProxy->load.php”}

when I tried anything else like

{view: "text",
suggest: {
		body: {
			url: "myCustomProxy->load.php"

it simply didn’t worked. But I need to set suggest properties in it’s config, so I would like to know what I did wrong here?

Ok, false alarm, I debugged result from working suggest and saw that I had to set
url: “myCustomProxy->load.php”
dataFeed: “myCustomProxy->load.php”