suggestion for new UI Widget

I want to suggest a new Widget. I name it “columntable”.

It would be a mixture of property sheet and data table.

Behavior would be like a data table, but visualization is similar to property sheet. Each data record would create a column, an each (configured) data field is a row.

Maybe you can put this on your product schedule for some time. Would be very happy.

I think it already can be done with help of datatable. You can create a custom DataDriver, which will read the incoming JSON object, will create the necessary config structure and will convert data ( rotate data objects )

i startet on that, but diffucults occur early…
i.E. all methods like add etc. won’t work.
and the visualization (view) and editors of fields can change from col to col, but not from row to row like needed here…
all possible, but not very convenient.