Swap view indexes

How can I easily swap rows in a view? I tried this but it does not work (the indexes change but the rows do not visually change):

    var row = $$(id);
    var index = $$(parentId).index(row);

    var temp = this.getChildViews()[index + 1];
    this.getChildViews()[index + 1] = row;
    this.getChildViews()[index] = temp;

I was able to get this to work using addView():

moveRowDown: function (id) {
    var row = $$(id);
    var index = $$(this.config.id).index(row);

    if (index < this.getChildViews().length - 1) {
        this.addView(row, index + 1);    
moveRowUp: function (id) {
    var row = $$(id);
    var index = $$(this.config.id).index(row);

    if (index > 0) {
        this.addView(row, index - 1);    