Tree.loadBranch() repeats nodes

I want to call loadBranch() on an open tree node. I am expecting it to replace the existing nodes, but it is appending nodes. Is there a way to clear the child nodes and reload just that branch?

I couldn’t find a simple solution to this either when I had to do it, so I made my own function.

function clearBranch(tree, branch) {
    var child;

    while (child = {;

You can call this function right before loadBranch and there will be no duplicates. Below is a working example that uses this function.


Maybe there’s a cleaner way to do it, but it works.

If you want to reload a branch each time you click on it, your solution is correct.

However, if you need to load a branch once, you can use isBranch method to check whether an item has child items: