My treetable contains a lot of data. when scroll and autoheight are true only scrolling of browser works.
However on Ipad 4th Safari there is no scrolling.
If I set treetable.height to a number (200) treetable’s scrolling shows up and works on ipad.
The problem is I do not know the size of data and need treetable to occupy 100% of available space
with scrolling working.
What settings should I set in order to achieve it on Ipad 4?
Normally you can just put on page a DIV tag with necessary sizing ( height:100%; or some more fancy styles ), and init treetable in such div. Treetable will use the size of the DIV for self sizing.
To suppor screen rotatios, you can have something like
If you are making all ui based on webix layouts - you can just make a fullscreen layout and place grid anywhere inside of layout. In such case the grid will adjust its sizes automatically on resizing and rotating events.
However on Ipad 4th Safari there is no scrolling.
If you don’t need an inner scroll, try to add the next line webix.Touch.disable(); - it will instruct webix do not mess with touch events, so all native behaviors will work as expected.