Hi there,
I am trying to get touch support working for windows, android and ios devices but at some point it always fails. You can use your own “desktop demo” to see the problem. Here are the behaviours I got so far:
webix.env.touch = true
OS: Window 8+10,
Browsers: Chrom + IE (latest)
Desktop (no-touch):
- Y-scrolling broken (no y-scrollbars, no function)
- unable to move or resize windows
- Y-scrolling broken (no y-scrollbars, no function)
Same as 1) but in browsers fullscreen mode
Desktop (no-touch):
- Y-scroling using mousewheel fails (required moving content)
- Y-scrolling works using touch
- Y-scrolling fails using mousewheel or moving content
- Resizing and moving of windows works as expected
Same as 1) but webix.env.touch = false
Desktop (no touch):
- Everything works as expected
- On some operations “Removing non-existing event” error is sown
- Unable to resize or move windows (works in some areas and ghost shows other dimension but above error message is shown)
- Y-scrolling works using touch and mouse
- Hover popups (ie the collapsed sidebar menu) fail (nothing shown)
Same as 3) but in in browsers fullscreen mode
Desktop (no touch):
- Everything works as expected
- Hover popups (ie the collapsed sidebar menu) fail (nothing shown)
- Everything else looks good
Same as 4 but with CustomScroll:
Desktop (no touch):
- Everything works as expected
- Not useable (requires touching the scrollbar area)
So the best I got so far is 4). I guess that I can work around the hover popup problem but I can’t tell users the app is only working in fullscreen mode. Now I am wondering what’s so different between fullscreen mode and normal window mode beside the fact that there is more space to fill?
Any ideas? Something I am doing wrong?