trying to validate if no option has been selected from combo

Hi Everyone: I created a combo with 4 payment options having the first option as blank … thinking this would validate NOT SELECTED but doesn’t come up red like other regular input text when no filled out…

It works for me

Please be sure that combo has “name” defined. Only inputs with name will be affected by form’s API

I put options… and I’m trying to validate if the combo is left blank:
view:“combo”, width:300, labelWidth:155,
label: ‘Payment Method’, name:“paymentmethod3”,
value:1, yCount:“5”, options:[
{ id:1, value:""},
{ id:2, value:“Check”},
{ id:3, value:“Paypal”},
{ id:4, value:“Wire” },
{ id:5, value:“ACH” }
],click:function(){ webix.alert(“Form has been validated.” + $$(‘paymentmethod3’) ); }

Please check