unable to load more then 1 lakh data by using pivot

Hi Team,
i am unable to load more then 1 lakh data ,once i am trying to load more then 1 lakh data chrome browser going to hanged.
using below code to generate pivot.
Kindly provide solution .

for(var j=0;j<200000;j++){
pivot_dataset.push({“Entity”: staticData[j][0], “Sector”: staticData[j][1], “Region HQ”: staticData[j][13],
“Country HQ”: staticData[j][3], “Wallet Region”: staticData[j][2],“Product”: staticData[j][4]
,“Time Period”: staticData[j][5],“Wallet”: staticData[j][6],“Revenue”: staticData[j][7],
“SOW”: staticData[j][8],“Gap to Top X”: staticData[j][9],“Rank”: staticData[j][10],
“Gap”: staticData[j][11],“Level”: staticData[j][14]});

view: "pivot",
container: "gridContainer",
id: "pivot",
data: pivot_dataset,
   structure: { 
     columns : ["Entity", "Sector","Entity", "Region HQ", "Wallet Region","Product", "Time Period","SOW","Gap to Top X","Rank"
      ,"Level","Country HQ"],
rows: [],
values: [
    /* { name: "Wallet", operation: "sum"}, 
    { name: "Revenue", operation: "sum"} */


Could you provide a demo with actual pivot initialization and data source ? The snippet that you provided contains too many columns and no rows.

Dear maria,
kindly conform we are unable to load more the 1 lakh because i am using try version ??
please find below complete code.

var url = “<c:url value=’/advancedCrossTab/getAdvancedcrossTabData’/>”;

		      		product : product+"",
		      		unitSelection : unitSelection+"",
		      		defaultDecimalpoint : defaultDecimalpoint+"",
		      		defaultUnitSelectionText : defaultUnitSelectionText+"",
		      		sector : sector+"",
		      		walletRegion : walletRegion+"",
		      		gaptoTopx : gaptoTopx+"",
		      		currency : currency+"",
		      		client : client+"",
		      		currentyear : currentyear+"",
		      		productName : productName+"",
		      		sectorName : sectorName+"",
		      		walletRegionText : walletRegionText+"",
		      		gaptoTopxText : gaptoTopxText+"",
		      		currencyText : currencyText+"",
		      		clientText : previousclientText+"",
		      		currentyearText : currentyearText+"",
		      		dataVersion : dataVersion+"",
		      		download_token_value_id : cookieName+"",
		      		entites   : v_selectedKeys+"",
		      		countries   : v_selectedKeysRegion+"",
		      		selectAllSectors : v_selectAllSectors+"",
		      		availableSectors : availableSectors+"",
		      		selectAllRegions : selectAllRegions+"",
		      		availableRegions : availableRegions+"",
		      		countyNm : countyNm+"",
		      		sortValue : sortValue+"",
		      		fileFormatExcel : fileFormatExcel+"",
		    		}, function(staticData) {
		    		var pivot_dataset = [];
  			for(var j=0;j<1000000;j++){
  			pivot_dataset.push({"Entity": staticData[j][0], "Sector": staticData[j][1], "Region HQ": staticData[j][13], 
  			"Country HQ": staticData[j][3], "Wallet Region": staticData[j][2],"Product": staticData[j][4]
  			,"Time Period": staticData[j][5],"Wallet": staticData[j][6],"Revenue": staticData[j][7],
  			"SOW": staticData[j][8],"Gap to Top X": staticData[j][9],"Rank": staticData[j][10],
  			 "Gap": staticData[j][11],"Level": staticData[j][14]});
view: "pivot",
container: "gridContainer",
id: "pivot",
data: pivot_dataset,
   structure: { 
     columns : ["Entity"],
   /*  columns : ["Entity", "Sector","Entity","Product", "Time Period","SOW","Gap to Top X","Rank"
      ,"Level","Country HQ"], */
rows: ["Sector"],
values: [
    /* { name: "Wallet", operation: "sum"}, 
    { name: "Revenue", operation: "sum"} */




The trial version contains the same libraries as the licensed one. Please check the samples/61_pivot/01_init/07_huge_set.html demo with 100,000-row data source - there is no performance problem.

Please provide an example ( probably a link ) of your data source that we can test Pivot with.

while pivoting how do i restrict columns in drag fields of column labels or row labels.
kindly provide code if possible


Do you want to block drop into “Columns” and “Rows” lists ? If so, you can apply onBeforeDrop event for these lists:

$$("pivot").attachEvent("onPopup", function(popup){
    popup.$$("columns").attachEvent("onBeforeDrop", function(){
        return false;
    popup.$$("rows").attachEvent("onBeforeDrop", function(){
        return false;

i have column name “wallet” and i want to restrict in row block if user try to drag into rows block then message should pop up that "you can not drag wallet in row block ".


onBeforeDrop takes context object as the parameter. So, you can get information about the dragged item:

$$("pivot").attachEvent("onPopup", function(popup){
	popup.$$("rows").attachEvent("onBeforeDrop", function(context){
		var item = context.from.getItem(context.start);
		if(item.name == "wallet"){
		   webix.message("You can not drop ....")
		   return false;

Dear Maria,
it is working fine.
Thank you lot