Hi Team,
i am unable to load more then 1 lakh data ,once i am trying to load more then 1 lakh data chrome browser going to hanged.
using below code to generate pivot.
Kindly provide solution .
for(var j=0;j<200000;j++){
pivot_dataset.push({“Entity”: staticData[j][0], “Sector”: staticData[j][1], “Region HQ”: staticData[j][13],
“Country HQ”: staticData[j][3], “Wallet Region”: staticData[j][2],“Product”: staticData[j][4]
,“Time Period”: staticData[j][5],“Wallet”: staticData[j][6],“Revenue”: staticData[j][7],
“SOW”: staticData[j][8],“Gap to Top X”: staticData[j][9],“Rank”: staticData[j][10],
“Gap”: staticData[j][11],“Level”: staticData[j][14]});
view: "pivot",
container: "gridContainer",
id: "pivot",
data: pivot_dataset,
structure: {
columns : ["Entity", "Sector","Entity", "Region HQ", "Wallet Region","Product", "Time Period","SOW","Gap to Top X","Rank"
,"Level","Country HQ"],
rows: [],
values: [
/* { name: "Wallet", operation: "sum"},
{ name: "Revenue", operation: "sum"} */