updateFromResponse vs data scheme (webix 3.0.4)

It seems that dp’s updateFromResponse if true, only fires onAfterSave, onAfter+status and onAfterSync but not any related keys (ie. $change) defined for datatable.scheme. So any special data processing is missed. In my case, ISO date conversion to date object. In order to avoid attaching the same conversion to both dp.onAfterSync event and datatable.scheme.$change, it would be great that DataProcessor._innerProcessResult does the magic. Thanks in advanced.

Yes, you are right.

We will change the behavior in next semi-major update ( 3.1 )

Thank you Maksim. As I’ve extended json datadriver, I took advantage of the parseDates property in order to avoid the datatable scheme for ISO date strings conversion to date objects. I’ve just changed a bit the regex pattern to /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(.\d{3})?Z/ making millisecs optional. Oracle autorest returns up to secs. Regards