Upload form

I’m trying to add upload to my form. Because I’m using REST API my post request i executing successfully but name of the file and size of the file is not showing in upload body (like is shown in http://docs.webix.com/desktop__file_upload.html - basic list uploader).
I’m using angular and my form looks like this.

$scope.addCorrespondenceForm = {
    isolate: true,
    view: "form",
    type: "form",
    id: "addcorrespondences",
    width: 800,
    css: "centerAlign",
    elements: [
            cells: [
                            { view: "combo", id: "direction", name: "direction", label: "Direction of Correspondence", invalidMessage: "User must select one of the choices"},
                            { view: "text", id: "namecorrespondence", name: "namecorrespondence", label: "Name", invalidMessage: "This field cannot be empty",batch:"batch 1" },
                            { view: "text", id: "addresscorrespondence", name: "addresscorrespondence", label: "Address", invalidMessage: "This field cannot be empty"},
                            { view: "datepicker", id: "datetimecorrespondence", name: "datetimecorrespondence", label: "Date and Time", timepicker:true, invalidMessage: "This field cannot be empty"},

                            {view: "combo", id: "subjectmatter",name: "subjectmatter", label: "Subject Matter", invalidMessage: "User must select one of the choices"},
                            { view: "text", id: "annexexpc", name: "annexexpc", label: "Annexes pcs", invalidMessage: "This field cannot be empty"},
                            { view: "text", id: "annexextypes", name: "annexextypes", label: "Annexes types", invalidMessage: "This field cannot be empty"},
                            { view: "datepicker", id: "datesent", name: "datesent", label: "Date Sent", timepicker:true, invalidMessage: "This field cannot be empty"},
                            { view: "datepicker", id: "dateexp", name: "dateexp", label: "Date of expiration", timepicker:true, invalidMessage: "This field cannot be empty"},

                                    id: "documentfilename",
                                    value:"Upload file",
                                    name: "documentfilename",
                                    autosend: false
                                    view:"list",  id:"mylist", type:"uploader",
                                    height: 100, borderless:true

                            {view:"radio", label:"Decision", value:0, options:[
                                { id:1, value:"ECAP Decision" }, //the initially selected item
                                { id:2, value:"Supreme Court Decision" }
                                {view:"button",id:"cancelcorrespondence",value: "Cancel"},
                                { view: "button", width: 300,id: "submitcorrespondence", align: "left", value: "Submit",  css: "button_primary button_raised" }

    elementsConfig: {
        labelPosition: "top",
        labelAlign: "left",
        bottomPadding: 18,
        labelWidth: 140


Please can you help me, how can Ishow information about uploaded file (name and size of file) in:
view:“list”, id:“mylist”, type:“uploader”,
height: 100, borderless:true
list like in link that i showed.

Thank you.

This is the same code as used in your snippet


and it works correctly. If you still have an issue, please share a link where problem can be checked.