i ve just update webix from 2.4 to 3.1 and the uploader doesn’t work pls help:
i m using VB.NET here’s may file handler code:
Sub ProcessRequest(ByVal context As HttpContext) Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest
If (context.Request.Files.Count > 0) Then
Dim files As HttpFileCollection = context.Request.Files
Dim filename As String = context.Request.Form.Item(0)
Dim fileId As String = context.Request.Form.Item(1)
For Each key As String In files
Dim file As HttpPostedFile = files(key)
filename = context.Server.MapPath(“Upload/”+ fileId + filename)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(“FileHandler Exception ! " + ex.ToString)
End Try
context.Response.ContentType = “text/plain”
End Sub
it save the file but i get in webix an error, “Error during file upload”
this always worked with 2.4 version
Did you mean that onFileUploadError event is called ? Or was it an error message shown in browser’s dev tools?
3.1 version requests correct JSON format as the response. You can use JSONLint to check whether the string that your server-side returns is in a correct json format.
i have this: http://webix.com/snippet/0847cd67
my file is saved correctly but i get onFileUploadError like it was returned status:error i think
Thanks guys and sorry but i’m pretty new on this things
Im using visual basic so i use
that correspond to { “status”:“server” } but is still not working
Im using visual basic so i use context.Response.Write("{"“status”":"“server”"}") that correspond to { “status”:“server” } but is still not working please help me, i cant use webix 3.1 and i’m stuck to 2.4 version