Uploader and accept

try upload any files and rules accept:“image/png, image/gif, image/jpg”, not work… ? :slight_smile:

I experience the same discrepancy, including in the sample given in http://docs.webix.com/samples/21_upload/10_accept.html
It seems the results are dependant on the browser.
My results with : accept:“image/png, image/gif, image/jpg” are as follows:

  • On MacOSX / Safari : NOK : Only png files are uploadable
  • On MacOSX / Firefox : NOK : Only png files are uploadable
  • On MacOSX / Chrome : OK

windows 10 > chrome > uploads any files in http://docs.webix.com/samples/21_upload/10_accept.html :))

The accept property depends on built-in functionality of browser

On MacOSX / Safari : NOK : Only png files are uploadable

You can try to use accept:"image/*", which must work for Safari and other browsers.

It possible to use onBeforeFileAdd for filtering which files added or not


It will filter file only by their name though ( no real content-type check )

Using image/* solved the problem.
Большое спасибо Maksim!