Uploader can't link list with 'isolate:true'



Please check docs for isolate property. Sub-views of isolated layout will not be accessible by global $$ operator.

You can try to use define method to link Uploader and List:


define works, thanks.

I know how isolate property works and I don’t know how link property works.

If elements needs additional code to work with some of webix feautures, that’s something wrong.

If elements needs additional code to work with some of webix feautures, that’s something wrong.

“link” requires an actual view id (the id that allows to get a view object via $$(id) method) as a parameter. And in case of “isolate”, “id” property defines a local id, not an actual id.

Exactly. Because “link” simply trying to find “list” by using $$(id) and not trying to determine isolated view or not.

“isolate” is very useful property, but not adopted to use with another webix feautures.

There can be multiple views with the same “isolated” id.

but not adopted to use with another webix feautures.

I take your point, but there are few cases where a view “id” is the only possible property value. And define() method allows to solve this issues. Anyway, we will consider the possibility of easier solution.