I ran then Webix Jet demo and it works fine.
Then, I changed view:“menu” to view:“sidebar”.
First thing I noticed was that it didn’t look good, but that’s just styling.
The sidebar did not work to change the url and navigate the jet demo.
Any suggestions?
I would also like an example how to work with the new sidebar view in Webix Jet.
For now, I am using the following technique:
I added a “page” property to the submenu items in the sidebar data.
In an onAfterSelect handler, I check for “page” and if it’s there, I app.show it.
{ id: "search", value: "Search", page: "search"},
{ id: "account", value: "Account", page: "account"},
onAfterSelect: function(id){
var selection = this.getItem(id);
webix.message("Selected: "+selection.value);
if (selection.page) {
The solution you’ve found is correct. Please take a look at the “In-app navigation” part in Webix Jet docs
Thank you for the confirmation, Maria!
To follow up, I’ve also added to top.js an onurlchange handler for selecting the correct menu item in the sidebar on a reload. (Does this look right as well?)
$onurlchange:function(config, url, scope){
var sidebar = $$("app_sidebar");
var page = url[0].page;
if (page) {
var menuItem = sidebar.getItem(page);
if (menuItem) {
var parentId = sidebar.getParentId(page);
if (parentId) {
Actually, I had to change my sidebar onAfterSelect handler to be a onItemClick handler. I don’t want the sidebar.select call triggering the onAfterSelect handler.
The code looks correct.
please show full code for top view with sidebar
Hi there.
I have a question in general concerning sidebar control. I setup a sidebar with the content container id named “content” which is placed in a div container id named “content-container”.
I want to load some content in this $$(“content”) by release a sidebar onclick event for this I use
$$('content').load("path_to.php", function(text, data, http_request){
text is a fully html result! but this doesn’t work!
but when i’m using this:
$$('sidebar').load("path_to.php", function(text, data, http_request){
with jquery this works. but my pager for the datatable I just loaded disapears
Please give me a hint
Hi @Michael,
Firstly, can you please show a more complex snippet of your code? The issue still seems unclear.
Secondly, what is your data format? By default, Webix expects a json. If you’re loading an html/xml/csv, you need to specify it via the datatype
Hi Lstopad.
Thank you for your help.
This probleme has been solved