webix.ajax.stringify is undefined @ v2.3 pro

webix.ajax.stringify -> webix.ajax().stringify ?

Yep, it can be accessed as webix.ajax().stringify or redefined globally like

webix.ajax.prototype.stringify = function(obj){
   //my own stringify implementation

Why do you need this method anyway ? It is called automatically during all ajax operations and only reason why it is public - to give ability to redefine the serialization logic.

No, i don’t need to call this method, but after I upgrade webix, call service faild.

in webix_debug.js@v2.3, line 2433~2434

			    if(typeof value==="object")
			        value = webix.ajax.stringify(value);

It should be:

			    if(typeof value==="object")
			        value = webix.ajax().stringify(value);

Yep, you are right
Version 2.3.1 is available in the client’s area

Thank you!