Trying load webix_debug.js v.3.3.13 fails with “TypeError: node is null” in line 4262 // if (config._settings || (node && multiset)) //.
I am loading webix.css in the section, and I have tried loading webix.js in the , then (when that had an error) after the content (but still in the ), with the same results.
This is preventing all subsequent Javascript from loading too.
Found the source of the problem. It was not, in fact, during initial loading of webix.js. The problem appears to be with a block of sample code I downloaded for creating a file uploader.
I still haven’t located the exact problem, but removing that sample code allowed everything else to load fine.
I will continue troubleshooting the sample code on my own.
Please check the code of Webix views. It looks like some of them features a container property while an HTML element with such ID does not exist (that’s why “node is null”).
Container should point to an existing HTML element or should be omitted if not needed.