How to change the center panel views on webix tree node click.
Hi there,
can anybody help me? I am stuck.
Hi Meera,
You can implement it following the below steps:
Define HTML as:
<div ng-app="webixApp" ng-controller="webixCtrl">
<div webix-ui height="500" view="cols" type="space" width="850">
<div view="tree" webix-data="records" select="true"
webix-event="onItemClick = showDetails(id, details);"></div>
<div view="multiview" id="mview">
<div id="1" template="1. Some content here"></div>
<div id="2" template="2. Other content here"></div>
<div id="3" template="3. New content here"></div>
Set up the controller as:
var webixApp = angular.module("webixApp", [ "webix" ]);
webixApp.controller("webixCtrl", function($scope){
$scope.records = tree_data;
$scope.showDetails = function(id, details){
Please note that ID of the tree item must coincide with the ID of the corresponding Multiview tab to make everything work.
Its working fine.
But I am using angular ui-routing.
Html as:
<div view="resizer"></div>
<div class="container">
<div ui-view></div>
Controller as:
var app = angular.module(‘webixApp’, [‘webix’,‘ui.router’]);
$scope.treeData =[
{id:“1”, value:“Films data”, open:false,link:“ulr1”, data:[
{ id:“1.1”,link:“ulr1.1”, value:“The Shawshank Redemption”}]},
{ id:“2”,link:“ulr2”, open:false, value:“The Godfather”, data:[
{ id:“2.1”,link:“ulr2.1”, value:“Part 1” },
{ id:“2.2”,link:“ulr2.2”, value:“Part 2” }
$scope.showDetails = function(id,details){
app.config(function($stateProvider) {
var id1 = {
name: ‘Films data’,
url: ‘/ulr1’,
template: ‘
Films data
var id2 = {
name: 'The Godfather',
url: '/ulr2',
template: '<h3>The Godfather</h3>'
var id11 = {
name: 'The Shawshank Redemption',
url: '/ulr1.1',
template: '<h3>The Shawshank Redemption</h3>'
var id21 = {
name: 'Part 1',
url: '/ulr2.1',
template: '<h3>Part 1</h3>'
var id22 = {
name: 'Part 2',
url: '/ulr2.2',
template: '<h3>Part 2</h3>'
And the problem is that I am having big tree so how to handle ui-routing?
how I can take url,name,etc?
Hey hi please replay me.