webix kanban in ZK

How to use webix kanban in ZK zul.wgt.Div?

I am looking for something like in this site:

This code display empty screen:
kanban.zul contains element <div id=“kanban” vflex=“1” “w:use=“zul.wgt.KanbanObject”>”


zk.afterLoad('zul.wgt', function () {
    zul.wgt.KanbanObject = zk.$extends(zul.wgt.Div, {
        bind_: function () {
            this.$supers('bind_', arguments);
        unbind_: function () {
            this.$supers('unbind_', arguments);
        _init: function (task_set) {
                view:"kanban", type:"space",
                    { header:"Backlog",
                        body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"new" }},
                    { header:"In Progress",
                        body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"work" }},
                    { header:"Testing",
                        body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"test" }},
                    { header:"Done",
                        body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"done" }}
                data: base_task_set

        _attachGanttEvent: function() {
            var self = this;
        _detachGanttEvent: function() {
        _resolveConfliction: function() {



var base_task_set =[
    { id:1, status:"new", text:"Task 1", tags:"webix,docs", comments:[{text:"Comment 1"}, {text:"Comment 2"}] },
    { id:2, status:"work", text:"Task 2", color:"red", tags:"webix", votes:1, personId: 4  },
    { id:3, status:"work", text:"Task 3", tags:"webix,docs", comments:[{text:"Comment 1"}], personId: 6 },
    { id:4, status:"test", text:"Task 4 pending", tags:"webix 2.5", votes:1, personId: 5  },
    { id:5, status:"new", text:"Task 5", tags:"webix,docs", votes:3  },
    { id:5, status:"new", text:"Task 6", tags:"webix,kanban", comments:[{text:"Comment 1"}, {text:"Comment 2"}], personId: 2 },
    { id:6, status:"work", text:"Task 7", tags:"webix", votes:2, personId: 7, image: "image001.png"  },
    { id:7, status:"work", text:"Task 8", tags:"webix", comments:[{text:"Comment 1"}, {text:"Comment 2"}], votes:5, personId: 4  },
    { id:8, status:"work", text:"Task 9", tags:"webix", votes:1, personId: 2},
    { id:9, status:"work", text:"Task 10", tags:"webix", comments:[{text:"Comment 1"}, {text:"Comment 2"}, {text:"Comment 3"}], votes:10, personId:1 },
    { id:10, status:"work", text:"Task 11", tags:"webix 2.5", votes:3, personId: 8 },
    { id:11, status:"done", text:"Task 12", votes:2 , personId: 8, image: "image002.png"},
    { id:12, status:"ready", text:"Task 14",  personId: 8}

Unfortunately, we don’t have any ready-to-use example of such integration