Webix NicEditor integration (add Event)

Hello and good morning,
i already use nicedit as editor. In a WebixForm-Row I used “{ id:‘newsEdit_content’, name:“newsEdit_content”, css:“appNewsEditor”, config:{}, view:“nic-editor”}” to make him available. Everything is/ works fine. But now I want to register a new EventListener (onPaste) and dont understand where (nicEdit.js or directly in the scrip) and how. I think, first of all Ih have to identify the texarea. Right? Would be great if you could support me a bit.
Thanks for your time so far.


You can get to the editable area through the NicEdit editor instance:

var ed = $$("newsEdit_content").getEditor();
var div = ed.getElm();

To attach the onpaste handler, you need to wait until the editor is initialized and then use the webix.event() helper.

Check the related snippet, please: http://webix.com/snippet/2d8f99ab

Hi Helga,
thx so much. You saved my day.
Have a nice weekend.