Hi everybody! sorry whether my inglish is not good, but i’ll try my best. I have a issue, i want to bind my model to some attribute of the webix-ui, like rules attributes, But it doesn’t work. I think that maybe the directive is loading the string of the attribute, but not the object. i will left a example:
<div webix-ui view="datatable" rules="rulesAttribute" select="cell" webix-data="records">
<div view="column" id="rating" sort="int" css="rating" editor="text" rules="ruleee">Rating</div>
var app = angular.module('webixApp', [ "webix" ]);
app.controller("prueba", function($scope){
$scope.rulesAttribute = {
'rating' : function(value){
return value > 0;
Hope that you could understarnd. Wait for your answers!