6.3 css bugs

There are a couple of bugs with buttons on toolbars when using the css for 6.3 when choosing the flat style.

First, when using the webix_transparent css with icon buttons, the icon color is black, and the toolbar is blue. Seems like the color for material was carried over to flat by mistake. Looks good with material, but with flat this is very hard to see, and for color blind persons, it would be invisible. The icon should be white. See


Second, when using the webix_secondary css (or the default if no css is specified), the icon button has the correct white color, but has a border that was not there in 6.2 … perhaps this was intentional, but there really should be no border in this case. It clutters things up and distracts from the icon. See




Icons and image buttons were forced to look like true buttons by default to standartize their appearance. To make them transparent, you need to add the css: “webix_transparent” setting.

It is listed in the migration guide, and here’s the snippet: https://snippet.webix.com/a2r4klkr

At the same time, I have to admit that skins other then Material apply this rule not fully correctly (namely, icon color is wrong for toolbar buttons). We will fix it in the next build.

Thanks. I was able to fix the color of the transparent icons myself with css. But it will be nice to have it correct so I can minimize my own custom css.

I think the appearance of the webix_secondary icon buttons on toolbars should be reconsidered. Perhaps a color background as with the primary and danger buttons. That would look much better and more consistent. The outline really clutters things up. The color of the toolbar would need to be different than the color of secondary buttons though.

Cost us also a lot of changes to make in our sources :frowning:

TOGGLE label disapears when in OFF state

i’m back to 6.2. these changes are to much at this moment

You can try using Webix 6.3.2 or higher where the above bugs have been fixed.

Also, we have published a blog article that can aid migration.

TOGGLE label disappears when in OFF state

As far as I can see, it works well: Code Snippet

I 'll try to move to the webix 6.3.4.
If I use skin builder for reload custom css, the problem with css for button is reproduced.

I’ll wait till webix 7.0 then i’ll have to rewrite a lot off my sources also. For now i will focus and use my time elsewhere then rewriting and in a couple of weeks again