Add action buttons to datatable?

I am using the datatable to display data. I would like this data to be editable, but not inline. I would like to edit it in a popup-form. For that, I would like to add a edit-button to my datatable. Besides that, I would like to add a delete-button as well. How would I go about doing this? I found some documentation on other types of tables, but I would like to use the datatable.



Thanks for the link maksim… I’m trying to display an action button on hover for each row in the datatable, i’ve tried the “hover” value in the datatable constructor but that only lets me tweak the css. I need to render in a button with icon and dropdown menu on hover. Is it possible?

Check the next snippet

You can use hover attribute and css styles to make a button\icon visible only during hovering over a row.

Thanks, perfect.

In version 5.3 , the hover had other bahavior. when the mouse is in the icon , it desappears. How solve the problem ?


@romain ,
Yep, since 2015 hover logic has changed a little bit. Now it’s better to manipulate icon color rather than its visibility:

Thanks , with this solution , it works with font-awesome icon but no with images. In my application I had 3 images and the behavior doesn’t work now with 5.3. I give you a snippet that doesn’t work , just for illustrate :

Any ideas ?

You can make it persistant by providing an extra hover rule for the column that contains images:

Still I agree that template elements can interfere with hover. We will try to fix it in the next updates.

Perfect , thanks :wink: