What is the best way to add a check mark to the left of a context menu item in a standard fashion that will work with all webix skins? This is a standard feature in any menu control: the ability mark a menu item as checked or not with a check mark, but this does not appear to be possible with webix menus out of the box. So, I would expect to see checkItem/uncheckItem methods on the menu similar to the enableItem/disableItem methods, but no such luck.
webix.extend(webix.ui.menu, {
$init: function (config) {
if (config.checkbox) {
if (!config.submenuConfig) {
config.submenuConfig = {};
config.submenuConfig.checkbox = true;
this.attachEvent("onparse", function () {
this.$ready.push(function () {
_initItemIcon: function (item) {
item.icon = item.icon || (item.$checked ? "webix_icon wxi-check" : "webix_icon");
checkItem: function (id) {
this.toggleCheckItem(id, true);
unCheckItem: function (id) {
this.toggleCheckItem(id, false);
toggleCheckItem: function (id, value) {
var item = this.getMenuItem(id);
if (!item) return;
if (webix.isUndefined(value)) value = !item.$checked;
item.$checked = value;
item.icon = value ? "webix_icon wxi-check" : "webix_icon";
this.updateItem(id, item);
check this
Sweet, thank you! It would be great if this functionality could be built into Webix in future versions, since it would seem to be pretty standard, out of the box menu functionality.