Add column in GridSuggest

Good day,

I’ve been trying to add an extra column to the GridSuggest with a button click. But i get an error [ Cannot read property ‘push’ of undefined ].

here is the Snippet :

I have tried to do the same with as in Adding/Deleting Columns Dynamically , but i get an ‘refresh.Columns is not a function’ Error.

Snippet :

Or is it possible to rewrite the whole ‘columns’ and ‘data’ with define?
I know that after the define you have to call the ‘.refresh()’ , but there is no refresh in gridsuggest.

Snippet :

What am i doing wrong ? Thank you in advance.

Please check:

First of all,$$("Table_Test") returns the ui.suggest. Please use$$("Table_Test").getBody(), as the datatable is defined as abody of the suggest.

Also, please read the documentation about a way to add/delete columns from the datatable.

Thank you for your time !!!