Adding grand child node in tree(getting error)


I am using tree widget of webix and tried to add grand child node in tree. Code is below :

var tree = new webix.ui({ view:"tree",container:"testD"});
	tree.add({ value:"parent item",id:"123"}, 0);
	//child nodes
	tree.add({ value:"child item",id:"11"},0,123);
	//grand child nodes
	tree.add({ value:"grand child item",id:"112"},0, 11);

I am getting error in Chrome console as : “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘nextSibling’ of undefined”

and Mozilla console as “TypeError: h is undefined”.

I am able to add grand child node first time, but after that i am not able to add any children in parent or child nodes.

Please help.

Please take the updated version of Webix lib

The same fix will be included in the next version.

Thanks a lot.

Its working now.