Perhaps my original question was too general, so please let me ask more specific one: which events / methods (and why) are we extending in webix.EventSystem below:
@Maria thanks for your reply. I do realize you extend webix.EventSystem to add event handling. I was more looking into answer to “why” question. I am considering migrating a large ExtJS app to Webix, however one of the benefits of ExtJS (now Sencha) was their forum was frequently visited by their development team, which would answer this kind of questions in detailed and useful (for a new comer) way. Clearly, your approach seems different here…
Could someone please point me in the right direction towards documentation where I can find information about $subview property which is set to true in the code below:
Sorry, but this functionality is not described yet. The webix was created as a set of components, and the mini-framework, used in the admin-app demo, is just a byproduct and is not fully documented.
Hopefully, some documentation will be available in the next week.
@maksim thank you for an update. I will be looking forward to documentation of your mini-framework used in admin-app demo as it seems to be a really nice solution to structure bigger apps.