I have trouble with an AJAX request, and here’s what’s bethering me :
I want the user to be able to select a town from a database (36,000 records), so I made a popup on the input click in order to isplay two inputs (a zip code and a text inputs).
What I want is that when a zip code is entered, the data is filtered so i can choose a city with that zip code (or partial zip code).
Same with text filter.
And eventually, the result is displayed in the “Origin” input.
The thing is, I concatenate the url to match the zip code and the text entered, but the result is not quite perfect as you can see.
Is there another and a better way to bind those 2 inputs to the same datafeed ?
Later on, I’ll have to add more inputs (like countries), so the system has to be better than this.
When I click on the ZIP Code input, the result is not sent straight away.
It’s the second input that triggers the AJAX call (and if a ZIP code is present in the first input, the result is filtered as desired).
I don’t find this very user friendly. I would have prefered to be able to call the AJAX request on any of the two inputs with the result shown in either one input or in a third one.
I don’t quite know if webix is able to provide something like I want or I am going tobe forced to change my system ?